Atrakta invests for growth with professional coach for all employees
Case • Feb 26, 2024 5:57:58 PM • Written by: Anette Tandberg

Atrakta in Sweden AB (Atrakta) takes the next growth step - offering professional coaching to all employees and sees a clear connection between personal development and ROI.
Atraktas' motto is to see the whole person, both customer and employee, in order to inspire and change the auditing industry in Sweden. In the fall of 2023, the next step was taken by offering all employees an external professional coach, and Go Avni started working as in-house coach.
Helen Salmonsson, CEO and co-founder of Atrakta, wants to take a different path and create a place for both customers and employees to grow. A place to evolve and collectively create new impactful ways to drive and develop businesses based on passion and groundbreaking ideas. This requires courage. Courage to see what each individual needs to become their best self in order to contribute in the best way possible.
Atraktas' formula for success has been clear from the start. "When you grow, Atrakta grows." The call to grow applies to both employees and customers, partners, and other stakeholders. In other words, Atraktas' leadership takes its cue from individual development through co-creation where experts within their network are engaged to achieve the best possible results.
- When we followed up on the employees' engagement levels, it became clear that the desire for development is central to all. When the suggestion came to offer external professional coaching, it became a natural next step for us. Since personal development is not just about the job but can have many other dimensions, it is important that everyone gets help identifying their motivations, strengths, fears, goals, and under what conditions each person becomes their best self. Based on personal experience, this is best done by involving an external professional coach who, with some distance, can challenge and provide perspective. It then became obvious for us to hire Go Avni, who offers internationally certified coaches and mental training."
The collaboration has now been ongoing for more than six months, and the results of the in-house coaching are already tangible. Helen continues; "As employees learn to work on themselves to develop, it becomes natural and easier to also develop at work. Everyone has strengthened their self-leadership. It has become natural to reflect, focusing on goals, and use the untapped potential we all have within us and which we can unleash when we understand our fears and identify and focus on our strengths. It gives amazing power and increased courage to everyone, which I see evidence of every week. Not least, the result of Go Avnis coaching gives us the opportunity to be our best selves to offer and deliver what we truly strive for - the best customer experience."